How to Install new Laravel setup in local Computer

First of all you need to composer for manage dependencies in Laravel so make sure you have a composer installed in your computer before you install Laravel . In this blog you will see the installation process of Laravel

How to Install new Laravel setup in local Computer
Follow the steps given below for installing Laravel —

Step 1 – Visit this  URL and download composer to install it your computer.

Step 2 – after once composer is installed, check the installation by typing the Composer command in the command prompt.

Step 3 – Create a new folder, In your Xampp/htdocs folder for your new Laravel project.  After that open cmd go to directory path where you  have created Laravel project  folder and following command ..

Composer create-project laravel/laravel –prefer-dist

Now, we will focus on installation of latest version you can install the complete framework by command-

Composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app

Step 4 − The above command will install Laravel in the current directory. Start the Laravel service by executing the following command.

php artisan serve

Step 5 – After executing the above command you will see a output as shown below-

Step 6 − Copy the URL underlined in the above screenshot and open that URL in the browser. If you see the following screen, it implies Laravel has been installed successfully.

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